Adolygiad Dyddiau Du Dyddiau Gwyn - Owain Schiavone sy'n adolygu albwm newydd Cowbois Rhos Botwnnog? Lle'r oedd eu halbwm cyntaf, Dawns y Trychfilod, yn lot fawr o hwyl, mae albwm newydd Cowb... 9 hours ago ... Llangefni Magistrates' Court to close, County Court repreived - The UK Government this afternoon announced the findings of HMCS's Court Estate Rationalisation programme. There is both good and bad news for Anglesey. Th... 23 hours ago. Plaid Cymru Monmouth Blog ...
Basically, Ysgol Botwnnog but French. After explaining to the physics teacher I didn't take physics (nor for that matter grasp the subject to any degree of acceptability (gravity keeps things up, right?)). he gladly left me alone. ...